
We believe God has intentionally placed us in the heart of Tuscaloosa for a reason. And we have a growing conviction that the church must be actively going into our community with the gospel, meeting needs and making disciples. Our focus in local missions is community involvement with gospel intentionality... Meaning it's the love of Christ that compels us to come alongside the needs of the people in our city and neighborhoods. Through both words and deeds we seek to display Christ's love so that others might know Him.

We are blessed to have the opportunity to support and partner with ministries like Sav-A-LifeHabitat For Humanity, Love INC, Veterans Outreach, Rosedale Apartments, Matthews Elementary, Operation Christmas ChildTuscaloosa's One Place, and many more.*

Want more info or want to get involved? Contact Tollie Meggs:



*We also encourage our community groups to find ways to serve and meet the needs of their neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Find out more about community groups here.